Samsung Smart Contact Lenses Patented Augmented Reality Smart Lenses


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Samsung Smart Contact Lenses Patented Augmented Reality Smart Lenses - Samsung Mobile

Samsung Mobile

Post By Yes Mobile

Samsung Smart Contact Lenses Patented Augmented Reality Smart Lenses

Samsung has received a patent for smart contact lenses Augmented Reality contact lenses patent development. With them, augmented reality glasses will become useless.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a patent for augmented reality smart contact lenses, which Samsung filed for registration in 2015. These lenses can clearly display information regardless of the user’s eye movement, focal length or increased viewing angle.
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Augmented reality data will be sent to the lens microdisplays, for example, from a smartphone, and projected onto the retina. In the transparent layer of contact lenses, it will be possible to place additional microlenses that allow you to adjust the display area of the information.

Samsung Smart Contact Lenses

Augmented Reality contact lenses patent development

Augmented Reality contact lenses patent development

According to experts, this Samsung development offers great opportunities for using augmented reality in the fields of computer technology, mapping and entertainment. In the future, such decisions can seriously affect people’s daily lives. True, it is not yet known whether Samsung will embody its development in a real device, and when it will happen.

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