On the Client Electronics Present (CES) 2021 tech exhibition, intel introduced the all-new 11th Gen Tiger Lake H35 chipset. Quickly after its announcement, Xiaomi took to Weibo to disclose that the upcoming RedmiBook Professional might be outfitted with the newly introduced H35 processor. As well as, new laptops from the model named as RedmiBook Professional 15 and RedmiBook Professional 15S have emerged on the Geekbench benchmarking platform.
As could be seen in the screenshots beneath, the 11th gen Intel Core i5 and Core i7 editions of the RedmiBook 15 Professional have surfaced on Geekbench 5. Each fashions are outfitted with 16 GB of RAM and they’re preinstalled with Home windows 10. The Core i5-11300H mannequin scored 1545 and 4902 in the single-core and multi-core checks of Geekbench, respectively. The Core i7-11370H variant scored 1447 in the single-core take a look at and 4885 in the multi-core take a look at.
The AMD Ryzen 5 5600H version of the RedmiBook Professional 15S has 8 GB / 16 GB of RAM, whereas the Ryzen 7 5800H model has 16 GB of RAM. Each fashions are working on Home windows 10 OS.
The Ryzen 5 5600H variant with 8 GB RAM recorded 1322 and 5793 factors in the single-core and multi-core checks of Geekbench, respectively. Its 16 GB RAM model scored 1311 and 5787 in the single-core and multi-core checks, respectively. Then again, the Ryzen 7 5800H mannequin scored 1197 and 6865 in each checks. The RedmiBook Professional 15S notebooks are outfitted with Radeon graphics. Since Xiaomi has already began teasing the arrival of the brand new pocket book, the RedmiBook Professional 15 and Professional 15S could launch quickly.