Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S6 as its flagship pill of the 12 months 2019. The product debuted with One UI 1.x primarily based on Android 9.Zero Pie. It was later up to date as much as Android 10-based One UI 2.5. Now, one and a half years later after its launch, the premium pill is receiving its second main replace in the type of One UI 3.1 primarily based on Android 11.
Samsung began rolling out the One UI 3.0 (Android 11) secure replace for the eligible units from December 2020. A bit of over a month later, the corporate started to seed the One UI 3.1 replace to the units that had acquired the earlier replace.
For these unaware, One UI 3.1 is an incremental replace to One UI 3.0 with some further options that debuted on the Galaxy S21 collection.
As for the Galaxy Tab S6, it has began getting a direct replace to the newest One UI 3.1 from One UI 2.5, as per AllAboutSamsung. The truth is, this pill was alleged to obtain the vanilla One UI 3.Zero two months later. Anyway, we aren’t stunned since Samsung has been delivering Android 11 replace to eligible smartphones and tablets forward of schedule because the rollout started.
That mentioned, the Galaxy Tab S6 One UI 3.1 replace is at present solely out there for the LTE variant. The OTA replace is being pushed for customers in Germany with firmware model T865XXU4CUB7.
Aside from bringing Android 11 and new options, the newest system replace for this 2019 Samsung flagship pill bumps up the safety patch degree to March 2021. Final however not least, the replace weighs 2267.69MB in dimension.
We count on the South Korean tech large to quickly lengthen the provision of this replace to extra areas in addition to the WiFi-only variant of this pill in the approaching days.